Curriculum Vitae
The Faculty of Textile Engineering offers courses for the following majors:
- Ph.D. in Textile Chemistry and Fiber Science
- Ph.D. in Textile Technology Engineering
- B.S. and M.S. in Textile Chemistry and Fiber Science
- B.S. and M.S. in Textile Technology Engineering
- M.S. in Textile Management Engineering
- B.S. in Clothing Engineering
- B.S. in Textile Engineering
- B.S. in Textile Industries Engineering
- B.S. and M.S. in Polymer Industries Engineering- Polymer
- B.Sc. in Polymer Industry Engineering – Color Technology
Our mission is to provide excellence and innovation in integrating quality teaching and learning, with applied research and relevant experience, preparing students for professional careers by our faculty members who have gained national and international reputations through their publications in their areas of specialty.
One of the teaching aims of DTE is to improve the technological skills of workers and professionals in the textile industry. Consequently, various courses are held by the department to achieve this aim. So far four long-term courses have been held for the Textile Industrial Committee of Iran and two are currently being held as well as a number of short-term courses according to the needs of the industrial centers and factories.
Introduction of Uin
Department of Polymer Engineering and Color Technology
The increasing consumption of polymer materials, their unique and multifaceted characteristics and their versatile applications have created the need for specially trained experts in this field.
The Department of Polymer Engineering and Color Technology was inaugurated in 2010 as one of the departments pertaining to the Faculty of Textile Engineering, and it is now offering B.Sc. and M.S. programs for the students to pursue their studies in industrial polymer and color technology engineering. This department has 5 full-time faculty members.
Enjoying well-known and highly-talented faculty members who are highly involved in research and teaching activities, the department is dedicated to offering a quality education and thereby providing leadership technology for a broad base of commercially viable polymer-related materials, processes and products via the development and application of its capabilities, which include education, research, analysis, modeling, design and synthesis, among others.
Research activities of the Department of Polymer Engineering and Color Technology are aimed at various areas of polymer processing. The Department is quite well equipped with modern instruments, machines and computers, sophisticated laboratories and workshop facilities, enabling to deal with various projects and issues. The graduates have opportunities in rubber, plastic, fiber, suede, compound material, resin, packing, color and anti-corrosion coating, tile, ceramic, leather and sanitary industries.
Website & E-Mail Box
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Contact Numbers
- Tel/Fax: 00983538202125
Head office
- Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Safayieh, Shohadaye Gomnam Blvd.,
- P. O. Box: 89195/155, Yazd-Iran.
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Faculty of Textile Engineering and Polymer Engineering
Department of Textile Engineering
Yazd Province is considered as an important pole in textile industry, and about 25% of the total textile industries of Iran are situated in this region. The faculty was established since the Islamic Azad University started, and till date it has been working in the field of textile education as one the most promising faculties on Yazd Branch campus which is committed to provide a comprehensive education for those who wish to pursue a career in this field and to improve the technological skills of workers and professionals in textile industry. The faculty also seeks to recruit and retain faculty who do high-quality research that benefits students and professionals. Currently, the department has 13 full-time and 1 part-time faculty members and 3 Ph.D. candidates.